Source code for quantbullet

# read version from installed package
from importlib.metadata import version

# Package details
__version__ = version("quantbullet")

[docs]def display_package_info(info_dict): """ Display package information in a geeky bordered box format. Args: info_dict (dict): Dictionary containing package details. """ # ANSI escape codes for color GREEN = "\033[92m" # YELLOW = "\033[93m" RESET = "\033[0m" # Calculate the width of the box based on the content max_key_width = max(len(str(k)) for k in info_dict.keys()) width = ( max_key_width + max(len(str(v)) for v in info_dict.values()) + 6 ) # 6 for ": ", spaces, and padding # Create the box top_border = GREEN + "+" + "-" * width + "+" + RESET middle = "| {key:<{key_width}} : {value:<{value_width}} |" bottom_border = top_border # Print the box with content print(top_border) for key, value in info_dict.items(): value_width = width - max_key_width - 6 # 6 for ": ", spaces, and padding print( middle.format( key=key, value=value, key_width=max_key_width, value_width=value_width ) ) print(bottom_border)
info = { "Package": "quantbullet", "Author" : "Yiming Zhang", "Version": __version__, "Note" : "BETA version", } display_package_info(info) from .log_config import setup_logger, set_package_log_level from .global_utils import set_figsize